Japanese Convoy Schedule for AUGUST & SEPTEMBER - 2017
(21 August 2017)
1. General Information:
The Government of Japan (GOJ) provides the escort operation by Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force (JMSDF) for vessels in accordance with the following schedule.
Please notice that Japanese Starting Points are as follows:
- Point A: 11-50N, 045-00E
- Point B: 14-28N, 053-00E
- Point C: 14-55N 054-38E
2. Schedule:
Escort schedules in AUGUST - 2017
Westbound (start “B” and ending "A"):
- 05:00 UTC 26 AUG 17
Escort schedules in SEPTEMBER - 2017
Westbound (start “B” and ending "C"):
- 05:00 UTC 06 SEP 17
- 05:00 UTC 14 SEP 17
- 05:00 UTC 30 SEP 17
Eastbound (start “A” and ending "C"):
- 14:00 UTC 03 SEP 17
- 14:00 UTC 11 SEP 17
Please note that application for JMSDF escort operation must be made directly to the GOJ, which is a separate procedure from the application to MSC (HOA).
Merchant vessels that wish to apply for JMSDF escort operation should visit http://www.mlit.go.jp/en/maritime/maritime_fr2 _000000.html to follow the application procedure.
For further information, please contact directly to Anti-Piracy Contact and Coordination Office, Maritime Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MILT), Japan:
Fax: +81-3-5253-1643
Email: INFO-PIRACY@mlit.go.jp